Pros and Cons of Using Hair Gel

Hair gel is a hair styling product and is used to stiffen hair and mold them into a particular hair style. Hair gels are used from past many centuries and have become quite popular as a versatile styling product. Hair gels hold hair firmly and give slick finish to them. There are several beneficial affects of using hair gels as styling products along with some long term harmful effects of overusing it. Hair gel helps in controlling a person's hair and maintaining them.

There are different types of hair gel and they offer different results. Organic gels, on one side, deliver nutrients to your scalp and hair and on the other side, synthetic hair gels offer styling. Main benefit of hair gels is they control and manage the hair in a unique way. From a foot long liberty spike look to shower look, hair gel gives a neat look to your hair and makes them manageable. Proper gelling allows you to get rid of dry, boring and dull hair and allows you to access different styles and get rid of the dry boring dull hair.
Besides, some hair gels, particularly organic hair gels, offer nutritional benefits. Such hair gels can be fused with organic herbs that is soaked into both, scalp and hair, and thus, providing nutrition to hairs that were damaged due to improper diet and chemicals and pollution A few hair gels are specially made for offering temporary hair color. Such gels provide temporary color and are not as natural looking as the hair dyes. These hair gels give funky look and are commonly applied during parties, concerts, etc.

However, with so many uses and beneficial effects, hair gels can also be harmful. The main component of hair gel is water that gives the fresh gel its viscosity. A number of chemicals are present in hair gels. These may include polymers, plasticizers and wax. A few hair gels also contain denatured alcohol. For fragrance and fillers, gel is added with irritant that can cause allergies. Alcohols and plasticizers in gel can affect everything from non dangerous temporary allergies to permanent infertility or kidney failure. Hair gels do not cause hair fall but they do lead to dull fragile hair. It renders your hair rough and can cause split ends too. Overuse of hair gels absorbs all the shine and luster from hair and leaves them rough and dry. Hair gels block pores in the scalp and sleeping with hair gels can also lead to poor hair growth.

Thus, along with some benefits hair gels also bring follies and can be really harmful. Therefore, overuse of hair gels or other hair styling products must be avoided. It is always advisable to wash your hair and condition them properly after gelling them so that all the chemicals can be washed away. It depends upon you that how much use of hair gels you want to bring in your day-to-day life.

HairStyle specializes in the latest techniques in the world of hair design and color, like Hair Color, Hair Styling, Highlights, Partial Highlights and other.